


From April 15th - April 19th, 2019, I displayed a collection of book-like objects from found materials scavenged on the beach, combined with field recordings of what these books sound like.

Project Statement:

BOOK LOOKS/FOUND SOUNDS explores the ephemerality of digital and physical objects. Just as we wrongly think digital content disappears after it is deleted, there are those in the world that wrongly think trash disappears after we discard it. While in residence with Short Run Seattle for Trailer Blaze at the Sou’Wester in Seaview, WA, Jessica Hoffman will be displaying a collection of book-like objects from found materials scavenged on the beach, combined with field recordings of what these books sound like.

What you experience as a site visitor are these image/audio collages, which provide as full of a sensory experience as possible. After all, when you visit a physical table, you offered the opportunity to fully absorb with every sense the experience of being amongst books.

Every day Jessica Hoffman will present a new book and everyday the previous day’s book will disappear. But does it really disappear? What will happen to the book? What will happen to the digital capture? Stay tuned to the end of the project to find out.

Post Script:

The digital images and audio were labelled with the same file name (booklooks.jpg, foundsounds.wav), therefore the files were overwritten each day and the previous day’s files disappeared.

The physical book objects were taken apart and the materials properly disposed in their respective pick up containers (recycle, trash, compost.)

The only record of the existence of the books and sounds was held on a computer’s hard drive that has since crashed. Total coincidence. That is the nature of electronic media.